DSA Homework 5

Roger Jang

Due date: 20170605 23:59:59

Dice sum game


Problem definition

Suggested approach

Input/output formats

In this assignment, you need to design a function myStrategy() to determine where to place the dice value. Together with the main function (which is given by TA), you should be able compile and run the program to get the average score of 1,000,000 runs of the game.
Once you have the above 3 files, you can compile the program:
g++ gameEvalMain.cpp myStrategy.cpp
Then you can run the program directly. My result is like this:
Your mission is to modify myStrategy.cpp by adding DP to strategy 3. If implemented correctly, the program can generate an average score of 118 or so. The theoretical max score achieved by DP is 118.62.


